AMTEK delivers integral energy efficient solutions
AMTEK Group has more than 35 years of experience in the areas of energy efficiency, power quality and renewable energy; we are always focused on the development and adoption of energy-efficient and sustainable technologies on which the future of our planet depends.
AMTEK with integrated
energy efficient solutions
We are in the business of energy efficiency, with over 38w years of experience.
Contact us to start your energy savings.
Contact us to start your energy savings.
Agricultural Lighting
Integral component of your
optimized lighting plan.
LED Lighting
Achieve significant savings on energy consumption.
Building Controls
Use the right amount of energy when and where it is needed.
Power Quality
Increase equipment efficiency and reduce downtime.
Renewable Energy
Become self-sufficient by obtaining energy from the environment.
AMTEK is a global organization
That is totally focused on the development of energy efficient and sustainable technologies on which the future of out plannet depends.